Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Woman 2 Woman...

Yesterday I received a text message from my son's step mother. She asked if she could have my email address... she had something that she wanted to send to me. I was extremely shocked that she had contacted me. In 3 years of courtship and two months of marriage, we had never really had a conversation.

So... I obliged and sent her my email addy. WOW! When I checked my inbox, she had sent me the sweetest letter. I spoke of how we need to forge a better (existent) relationship and how much she adored Sunshine (my son). I was so taken aback. I have never had anything against her, my relationship with my ex was so horrible, that I didn't give myself time to even attempt to get to know her. Long story short, we have been emailing each other back and forth for the past day or so and it has been great to get to know her better. She is a true darling. I am glad that he chose her.

Bubbly (as I will call her based on her personality) seems to be a sweetheart. I am so glad that she reached out to me. I don't know if I would have had the courage or "understanding" to make the first step. I am so glad that she did. It made the process so much easier. Thanks God for bringing us together for the betterment of Sun... he needs all the love and adoration that he can get!

The End.



Anonymous said...

Isn't God good?! Isn't it something that around the same time HE decided to add openness/love/acceptance/understanding to your (extended) family for the sake of SUN...God had a transformation for my family too...My son, Eyez (as I'll call him), will be with his Dad (Unc) and his extended family for a long weekend...It appears the drama has subsided, somewhat anyway...CODE JIN..CODE JIN...He might be putting a private detective on me though....Gotta watch these nuts!

God answers prayers and always has our best interest at the core of his heart....He often handles our "situations" in HIS time...and I'm truly grateful for the love of my family and friends like Rai to keep me sane in the process (I'm sorry this isn't my blog...I'm getting longwinded!)

And for the record...Bubbly better back up...You my best friend and I'm not sharing! =)

Kryssy said...

Dang... my internet was down for over a week and look how much I missed! Sheesh! lol
I think that it's FANTASTIC that you have created an open dialogue with "Bubbly." *high five* to you.. and I hope it continues to grow in a positive way. =)

Anonymous said...

That's great the two of you will be building a relationship together for the sake of Sun. It's something that should have been done long ago, but better late than never, which happens all to often in the black family. I understand a parent not trying to get to know every girlfriend/boyfriend the other parent is seeing for the moment, especially when they are a person who jumps from person to person seemingly every other week. It's scary to me when some parents have their children around women/men that they've just met themselves and don't even know. Then you also have the parents that keep up all the drama and place the blame on the other parent. Like keeping the child away from the other parent and his/her family, rare case for men but it happens, only bringing the child around and being nice when they need something. People are shady like that. I've seen it first hand with my partners and their baby mamas/pappas. The whole time the focus is on hurting the other parent because of this or that and not on the childs betterment. I'll give an example. One partner has been working long hours to get somethings corrected in his life so that he could spend more time with his daughter. He had spent basically every day of his daughters life with her until the day he walked out on the mother for her infidelity and neglection of him. Once he walked out, all hell broke lose. He was still taking care of his child, like he should, but he had to go through pure hell with this girl just because he wouldn't stay around and be her doormat. She's done trifling things. The worst one was being disrespectful to the man regarding his parents and other family members and is unapologetic about any of it. He could care less about what respect she has for him because he knows she's never had any for him, but his parents have never done anything, ANYTHING, to her. Hell she doesn't even really know them except for name. It's just funny how people will place all the blame on someone else, but can never look in the mirror at themselves for how situations are made difficult for the children involved. I commend you for teaching your son how to be a better person by engaging in this new friendship with his step mother.