Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wine and Cheese

Well... last night was AWESOME. I must admit... God speaks through us daily. Sometimes we are too stubborn to actually sit still and listen. Yesterday I had a wonderful meeting/dinner with a dear friend. After which, I picked up my son and started my pursuit home. In my mind, I thought I would visit with another dear friend briefly at my apartment.

Thanks to you God, that didn't happen! I spent an hour or so on the phone with my BF Princessa and indulged in a couple of glasses of wine (while making notes for my book draft and checking "myspace" messages) and a slice of cheese. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already (at that point) 12am and there was no call from him. It was time for the lights to go out!


God knew there was no way that I should have had company last night, all late and stuff. Even though my intentions were pure (I BY no means was planning on sleeping with ANYONE). God wants me to go through this transition in life alone. I am totally prepared to honor that!

Let this be a lesson to all of those reading this post now... when God speaks... respect him and listen. The fact that my friend did not call me and come by was a BLESSING! God is teaching me patience and aiding me in finding peace in solitude.

So often I "whine" internally about the state of my life... my Life's "cheese" is symbolic of me wanting to be the center of attention consistently. God wants me to sit down and enjoy what He has planned for my future.

I am ready!

The End.


1 comment:

Eryn said...

wonderfully said!!