Monday, May 12, 2008

A Purified Me!

I am just finishing up a WONDROUS trip from Dallas visiting my family. It was so amazing to go home and have the chance to spend time with people who really care for and accept me for who I am. Ah! I love my family.

Lately I have been in search of something... at times I tend to not really know what it is exactly. Recently, I have put a label on it... PURITY! I am going through a mental and emotional detox right now, and it feels GREAT. As things change in my life, I am prepared to make the necessary changes within. Ah... God helps me so much! When I need patience, clarity, or understanding, He is there to guide me.

I am going through my life and mending broken relationships, one by one. This weekend I had a very important conversation with my ex-fiance (we dated in High School and College). He has since gotten married, but due to the way I ended the relationship, there was still a tad bit of unstated animosity. We had a chance to really talk. I apologized for the past and we decided to move on as friends. True friends... I would never in a million years disrespect his marriage. He will forever be loved deep in my heart and I wish him nothing but the best in life. This "amendment" was 7 years in the making... Whew... it felt good to release!

Not sure where my next steps are leading me... but I know He is going to be by my side the whole time!


I am so happy to be cleansing my soul. It is truly amazing how God will direct you when you let him! I am truly excited about learning more about and appreciating myself. I spend so much time working and parenting, I tend to loose myself at times. I have turned on Life's filter and the purification process has began.

It is so important that individuals know and understand that "He" and "we" collectively hold our future in our very own hands. Our relationship with God is an important collaboration. We have to actively listen to Him and also insure that we are making the right decisions to place us in a perfect position. Our setbacks are simply a set up for God to add tremendous blessings to our lives.

I'm getting there! One step at a time!

The End.


1 comment:

Eryn said...

isn't it such a relief to mend a relationship?! and it makes you love the person more because they chose to forgive.