Tuesday, May 6, 2008

and... That's a Wrap!

Hey Fam!

It's been a week(end) since I last wrote, and I must admit I do have more clarity on my life and the steps I am taking to maneuver me closer to the top. I have a Best Friend (my Ex) that I need to say good bye to. It has been a real struggle for me, because I do care for him so much as a person. I just feel it is time for me to put my past behind me and move forward to my prosperous future.

I can't lie... there is a sense of Peace that I feel not being "locked down". The first day of the rest of my life starts now, and I want the opportunity to enjoy it all. Uhhmm (you're thinking), what does that mean? Well, it means that I need to get rid of all my bad habits and cancerous people in my life!

My "To Do" List:

1. Regain my relationship with Him... yes people, I absolutely love the Lord, I have just been doing a bad job at showing him. I must spend time re-connecting with Him, on my path to a righteous life.

2. Stop Drinking... just people I have acquired a slight problem. I am not your average "daily drinker, I typically "binge" on the weekends (don't act like you all don't remember me constantly talking about Happy Hour).

3. Clean House... I mean this both figuratively and physically. As far as female friends go, I have done a WONDERFUL job at selecting a GREAT core group of friends. Men, on the other hand... I keep them around solely for entertainment purposes (excluding my Best Friend... I actually distance myself from him). It all goes back to drinking and hanging out. When I am doing these things, I tend to keep the company of men who are "smitten" by me and give LOTS of attention. It is time out for that! I should only keep the company of those I am truly interested in.

I also need to physically clean up my apartment. I spend so much time bouncing from here to there (on weekends), that I have neglected to keep my space tidy. This untidiness has been representative of how I have been feeling internally. It is far past time that I get rid of the "mess" and begin my journey to a prosperous life!


It is far pass time I start to enjoy this WONDROUS life that I have been so blessed with. Above, were my top 3 changes that I am in dire need of making to my life. Consider it DONE! I am so happy, and proud of myself. I am saying HELLO to my new life. YAY!

The End.



Anonymous said...

Out with the old...in with the new...Don't go back to your old ways!!! I received that word and it was right on time...cuz the Lord knows I was tiptoe'ing backward wondering if anybody was looking. You know God tests you and so does the enemy...STAY FOCUSED MANNNNN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is going, "tiptoe'ing" backwards always a bad thing? I believe somethings aren't bad enough to end really good friendships/relationships over, but there are some things that are. Abusive spouses/partners never change. NEVER!!! I've closed only one door in my past and that was for an extremely good reason, but the door has stayed open for some others. Especially, when you truly love someone the way that I do. She's my everything and I'm going crazy without her in my life right now, but I just can't get thru to her. Time changes a lot of individuals in a lot of ways. Everything in life is a compromise and a person unwilling to sacrifice for what he or she believes in, is not a true child of God. True love stays with you because you receive it from the Lord. I'm trying to get back to my friend, my lover, my wife to be because I know she is who God picked for me, but I have to give her time to see that I am truly there for her and not who she thinks I am. So many of our brothers & sisters walk away from a good man/woman in search of greener pastures rather than fighting for their relationship/family. They don't want to do what it takes to make a family the way God intended. I speak from experience. Not that I'm unwilling to fight for my love, I just don't know how! A man/woman should look for someone who fears God, puts their family first, loves themselves/others, respects themselves/others, appreciates the contributions from their spouse/bf/gf, and willing to commit their relationship over to God. If those things aren't happening, then you'll be like me, without your family. If you're tiptoe'ing backwards, then there is a reason and you know that it needs to be resolved. Otherwise, it will always be an issue no matter how fast or far you run from it. If I could hold her, kiss her, caress her, and show her how much I love her once more, I'd go tiptoe'ing backwards in a heartbeat because I know God put her in my heart.

CRay said...

It seems someone is spying on me! ;o) What I need right now is space. I miss and love "you", I just need space.


Anonymous said...

And I quote Justanobserver: "Everything in life is a compromise and a person unwilling to sacrifice for what he or she believes in, is not a true child of God."

Me: How are you going to tell someone they're not a child of God just because their length of sacrifice may not be the equivalent of yours? Or you disagree with their methods of compromise? That's just ugly and a low-blow!

Justanobserver: "So many of our brothers & sisters walk away from a good man/woman in search of greener pastures rather than fighting for their relationship/family. They don't want to do what it takes to make a family the way God intended. I speak from experience. Not that I'm unwilling to fight for my love, I just don't know how!"

Me: Observer, I give you credit for admitting this. So many of us want love/relationships/family, but really don't know how to go about obtaining it. Admitting is the first step. Read Song of Solomon and see what you come up with. Also, if you have to fight so hard and there is so much that is not aligning with an individual's/couples/God's vision for the future, is it really meant to be? Peace & Blessings!

Anonymous said...

First let me state that I apologize if you were misled to thinking I'm your ex. I'm honestly just an observer browsing thru blogs. I've thought about starting one myself, so I just started looking thru some and came across yours from someone else's blog. You have a wide variety of topics and that intrigued me.

Getting back to your topic of discussion.

HerHomegirl Me: How are you going to tell someone they're not a child of God just because their length of sacrifice may not be the equivalent of yours? Or you disagree with their methods of compromise? That's just ugly and a low-blow!

JAO - Homegirl, I wasn't trying to be ugly to anyone. Just stating my opinion, but you seem to be taking this to heart. I don't see anywhere in my post about anyones length of sacrifice being required. Disagreeing with their methods? Yes, I do disagree with some of the methods of compromise people use, and there are a lot of people who disagree with my methods of compromise. I've compromised a lot of ways and it has hurt me in certain ways, but it has also helped me stand for what I believe in, my values on things. I'm striving to become that TRUE CHILD OF GOD because I want my family back. I'm tired of hearing/using that lame excuse of "I'm only human" or "I'm just a man" or "Nobody's perfect" to cover up for not living as God intended. I love God just as the two of you do. I love the family I lost just as much and I'm taking the steps to become that man she needs and praying she's taking the steps to be the woman I need. The potential is there in both of us, but there are a couple of things that are hurting us. (You'll see those things later in the post)

Herhomegirl - Me: Observer, I give you credit for admitting this. So many of us want love/relationships/family, but really don't know how to go about obtaining it. Admitting is the first step. Read Song of Solomon and see what you come up with. Also, if you have to fight so hard and there is so much that is not aligning with an individual's/couples/God's vision for the future, is it really meant to be? Peace & Blessings!

JAO - In my opinion, Pride & stubborness is what hurts us the most in cases of an individual, couples, or God's vision for the future. Individuals are just that, individuals. By themselves. There will be always be common ground with individuals, but there will also be uncommon ground, so personally, I can't go by a person's individual aspects for the future. I worry only about my own at that juncture. When it comes to couples, now here is where the relationship/family side of things get twisted. People say they want this for their family or that for their relationship, but still act as INDIVIDUALS to get it. Guess what, you're moving in two different directions now. I've seen & been in a lot of relationships of that nature. I expressed everything I wanted in the relationship and she the same, but we wanted them MY/HER way only. It wasn't OUR way. This world, MY OPINION ONLY, isn't about family anymore. It's about the dollar-dollar bills y'all!! Everyone is striving to be that millionaire/billionaire or the first trillionaire and that is why you & I don't know how to obtain that love/relationship/family that we really & truly want. We hold grudges and be deceitful, just plain straight out nasty with one another and keep steppin. Is it really meant to be? Yes it is meant to be, but will you let pride or stubborness help you end what should be a beautiful thing. It's not in vain if you're fighting for what God has given you. It's only in vain, when you steal someone elses relationship. When in a relationship, do you surround yourself with those striving to be a family or with those striving to still be individuals? A lot of people think it doesn't have an affect on their relationships, but it does. Having a relationship/family isn't easy by no means. It's very easy to start one, but are you willing to do what it takes to keep one. Me! I am. There is nothing in the streets but deadbeats & cheats saying what YOU WANT TO HEAR to get in the sheets. I know I had a good woman, and I'm a good man, but we lost that alignment you were talking about because of lack of communication & trust. Even though she won't tell me, I know she still loves me very much and she knows I love her. My steps are being taken to correct what is meant to be in God's vision.

Be Easy Ladies

P.S. Herhomegirl release some of that anger baby!! I'm glad I wasn't near you while you were typing this message. I'd probably have to shot in the pinky toe. :o) I'm sure he loves & miss you to, but don't kill all of us from his mistakes. LMAO