Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Space... Da Lab!

Hola mis Amigas y Amigos!

It is I, Rai and WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! I indeed have found a new place to call home. I will apologize right now for the content of this blog. I will try my hardest not to use real names, but I will keep it real! What else would you expect?

I am so sad to say this, but I gave in to the whole "Myspace" epidemic. It caught me about two nights ago. My Wifi worked in my apartment (the 1st time in months) and it was on from there. I have already connected with a few friends from High School and I am so EXCITED... not about them necessarily, but just the thought of doing something new is amazing!

You all are experiencing my "other" space right here on Blog Spot. Normally my readers are really quiet and don't post comments... BUMP that! Please let me know how you feel about my posts by responding to them. Also note that I am a multifaceted person and will reveal some interesting things about myself. Don't be scared, I' m not. Life is but a dream.

I think what I am trying to say is, everyone needs to find their on space in life, what ever that may mean individually. I am sick and tired of living for others. I am taking care of me and I am prepared to dissect every waking moment of it on this blog!

I have a few topics in mind, but I won't post till tomorrow. I just received some good news, but I aint tellin'. It's a secret. I will let you all know in due time. Not to mention my AWESOME weekend in AUSTIN, TX last weekend. Ooooh so much... in due time.


The End.


1 comment:

Kryssy said...

LOL... *goes to change the link in my favorites*