Wednesday, February 4, 2009

She's Back!


For the first time in about a month, I feel like myself. It is hard to explain, but I am slowly getting back to me and it feels GOOD! I have a group of friends who are AWESOME! I don’t think they really know how much they mean to me. It feels great to be surrounded by positive people at this time in history. We are truly destined towards greatness.

Barak Obama… I have to admit, I tend to steer clear of politics, but MAN it is indeed AMAZING to see what is going on in the White House. I will be the first to say that I am not supportive of President Obama because he is a black man, I am in awe and support for him because for the first time in the history of the Nation a President has been picked because he was the best candidate, regardless of his skin color.

The fact that Pres. Obama’s campaign brought together so many people (regardless of ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs) for change in the world is OUTSTANDING. He is proving himself to be of high intellect and intelligence daily. I am extremely excited to be around to witness this Movement in America.

Yes We Can (Did)!

I am excited to see what this weekend will bring… for the first time in years, I am skipping my usual Friday night Happy Hour. Drinking is not apart of my Fast… I didn’t realize how much alcohol had began to be apart of my life. I am not a daily drinker, but I tend to do it BIG on the weekends. I have really been inspired to cut the am biblical cord to my alcohol (weekend) addiction.

Pray for me ya’ll!

Between Pres. Obama getting it done in the White House and my path to righteousness, February looks like it is going to be a GREAT month! I have also committed to blogging more. A big reason why things have been so cloudy lately, is because I have stopped venting. Well…

I am BACK!

The End.


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