Monday, June 23, 2008

Beach Chronicles: Day 4

Whew... after a weekend full of ups... downs and in betweens, the last day of the trip is finally upon us! Corpus Christi was an indeed much needed vacation! Let's see... the last day of paradise began something like this...

Rise and Shine!
I woke up to a beautiful sunrise and P jump out of bed to take advantage of the beach one last time. I showered and did my hair (for the first time all trip) and headed out in search of food. This hunt led me back down to Pier 99 to take advantage of their delicious grilled chicken salad. After devouring it I headed back to the room. Guess who I bumped into? Jackson... he was stumbling down the beach with a coffee mug full of beer. Apparently I was supposed to meet him at a restaurant for breakfast, so he felt like he had been stood up. After being really rude and disrespectful, we split paths, he his way and I mine.

As soon as I got back in the room, guess who is knocking on the door? Jackson! He was extremely apologetic about his behavior and did not want us to depart on a sore note. I accepted his apology and gave him all my blessings with the whole rehab journey. We grabbed our belongings and headed to check out of the room.

After checking out, we headed by the restaurant so P could get her a meal before our departure.

Getting home by any means necessary!
After eating P and I realized that it was only 12:30pm and our flight didn't leave until 7:45pm. What would we do to pass the time? We decided we would try to talk our way on to an earlier flight due to all the drama we went through getting there in the first place.

We called a taxi (Raul- the same guy that dropped us off at the hotel on Thursday) and waited for him to arrive. After about 10 minutes we hear rap music blasting as Raul pulled up. We immediately knew it was our last little hoorah before our descent back into Houston.

We boarded the little green cab and headed to the airport.

Apparently the lady checking us in did not care about the drama we went through getting there and charged us an upgrade fee to take an earlier flight. It was all good because there was no way in HELL that I was waiting in the airport 6 long hours for our flight.

After booking the early flight we sadly said goodbye to Corpus and headed home!

I really enjoyed my vacation! It was extremely peaceful and relaxing. Life should be that easy always!

The End.



Kryssy said...

wow! What an adventure! I love the picts.. and that Jackson? Quite a piece of work.. poor thing!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you & your girl had a great time basking in the sun on the beach and partying at night. Sounds a fun place to visit. I guess that dude Jackson was in heaven with two hot ladies around him. I sure all the other guys around were jealous, but he had his fun before going to rehab. If he even went.

Eryn said...

That was quite a trip and Jackson is in my prayers although he's probably long gone from rehab by now.